September 2024

Increasing brand awareness: How to stand out when everyone else is shouting

8 minutes

So, you’ve got a brand. It’s cool, it’s unique, and it’s ready to take the world by storm. But there’s just one little problem: everyone else thinks the same thing about their brand.  Welcome to the jungle of the marketplace, where everyone’s yelling, “Pick me! Pick me!”
But don’t worry—you’re about to learn how to be the brand that doesn’t just shout louder but stands out by being smarter and way more engaging.
1. What’s brand awareness anyway?

Imagine your brand is at a party. Brand awareness is the number of people who know who you are, recognise you across the room, and actually want to strike up a conversation. More than a catchy logo or a tagline—it’s about making a lasting impression.
So, how do you become the life of the party and not just another wallflower?
Brand awareness is the bedrock of a successful brand strategy. It’s what gets you noticed, gets people talking, and keeps you top of mind when your audience is ready to make a decision. Without it, you’re just another face in the crowd.

Challenge 1: Quick! Describe your brand in one sentence without using buzzwords. If you can’t, you’ve got some work to do. Your brand should be able to stand on its own with a clear, concise and compelling message that people can immediately understand.

2. Identity crisis?

Your brand identity is like your signature dance move—it’s got to be unmistakably yours. But it’s not just about looking good; it’s about feeling good too. This is where a branding agency can really shine, helping you create an identity that’s not just visually appealing but emotionally resonant.

A strong brand identity isn’t purely aesthetics; it’s about what you stand for.

Your brand’s mission, values and personality all need to be clearly defined and consistently communicated.

Tip: Make sure your brand’s mission isn’t just some lofty phrase on a wall. It should be something people can actually feel. For example, if you’re committed to sustainability, show it in your actions—not just in your marketing.

Challenge 2: Write down three feelings you want people to have when they encounter your brand. Now, ask someone if that’s what comes to mind when they think of you. Surprised? If their answers don’t match your intentions, it might be time for a brand refresh.

3. Storytelling that sticks

People love stories. And no, we’re not talking about the “once upon a time” kind. We mean real, human stories that connect on a gut level. The kind of story that makes someone say, “Wow, that’s so me!” Your brand story is what sets you apart from the competition, giving people a reason to choose you over others.
But here’s the trick—your story needs to be about them more than it’s about you. It’s about how your brand fits into their lives, solves their problems, or helps them achieve their goals. Whether you’re branding for B2B or working as a creative agency, storytelling is the key.

Challenge 3: Tell your brand’s story in 140 characters or less. Can you make it tweet-worthy? If you can, you’ve nailed the art of concise, impactful storytelling.

4. Make social media your playground

If your brand were a person, social media would be where it goes to hang out, share memes, and maybe drop the occasional hot take. It’s not just about posting; it’s about connecting, interacting, and sometimes just for fun.
Social media platforms are where brands can showcase their creativity, interact with their audience and build a community. But here’s the catch—don’t just blend in with what everyone else is doing. Create content that makes people stop scrolling and start thinking.

Be bold, be different, and most importantly, be authentic.

Tip: Don’t just blend in with what everyone else is doing—create content that makes people stop scrolling and start thinking. Whether it’s through humour, thought-provoking questions, or stunning visuals, make sure your brand’s voice is heard.

Challenge 4: Post something on your brand’s social media that’s totally unexpected. See what happens when you mix it up. The results might just surprise you.

5. The SEO maze: Don’t get lost

SEO can feel like trying to make it through a maze blindfolded. But here’s a hint: the way out is by being genuinely helpful. Write content that answers questions, solves problems and makes people’s lives a little easier.
Search engine optimisation (SEO) isn’t about stuffing your content with keywords. It’s about understanding what your audience is searching for and providing them with valuable, relevant information. This not only helps your brand get found online but also positions you as an authority in your industry.

Tip: Skip the jargon. Talk like a human—because your audience is human, too. (We hope!) Whether you’re writing a blog post, creating a website, or posting on social media, clarity and simplicity should always be your goals.

Challenge 5: Find a keyword you want to rank for. Now, write a blog post about it without sounding like a robot. Go on, give it a whirl. Remember, the best SEO content doesn’t feel like SEO content at all—it just feels helpful.

6. Community: More than a buzzword

Want to really make your brand stick? Build a community. It’s like having a group of superfans who are always cheering you on—and telling all their friends about you, too. A strong brand community can turn your customers into brand advocates, amplifying your reach far beyond what you could achieve on your own.
A community isn’t a numbers game; it’s about engagement. Your community should feel valued, heard and part of something bigger.

Tip: Don’t just talk at your audience—talk with them. Create spaces for real conversations and connections. This could be through social media, online forums, or even in-person events.

Challenge 6: Start a conversation in your community. Ask a question that gets people talking.

7. Partnerships: The right kind of friends

Partner up with brands that share your values, but that don’t do exactly what you do. Think of it as a brand double date—everyone has fun, and you both leave with new connections.
Strategic partnerships can help you reach new audiences, increase your credibility, and add value to your brand. But remember, not all partnerships are created equal. Choose partners who complement your brand, not ones who compete with it.

Challenge 7: Think of one brand you’d love to partner with. Now, reach out to them. What’s the worst that could happen? Even if they say no, you’ve taken a step toward building valuable connections.

8. Be the good guy: Sustainability and ethics

In today’s world, it’s cool to care. More than ever, consumers are looking for brands that do good while doing well. Show that your brand stands for something beyond profit, and you’ll stand out in a big way.
Consumers are increasingly conscious of the impact brands have on the world around them. By integrating sustainability and ethical practices into your brand strategy, you can attract the right audience and build a loyal following. But remember, actions speak louder than words—make sure your commitment is visible in everything you do.

Tip: Make your commitment to sustainability and ethics a visible part of your brand story. But don’t just say it—show it. Whether it’s through sustainable packaging, ethical sourcing, or community initiatives, let your actions speak for themselves.

Challenge 8: What’s one small thing your brand can do to be more sustainable or ethical? Start doing it today. Then tell your audience about it—they’ll love you for it. And hey, it’s good for the planet too!

9. Keep score: Measuring success

You can’t just throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks—you’ve got to measure your success. But don’t get too caught up in the numbers. The best metric is how people feel about your brand.

Tip: Pay attention to the feedback you get, not just the metrics. Are people talking about you? Are they saying the things you want them to say? Use this feedback to continuously refine your brand strategy.

Challenge 9: Pick one metric to focus on this month. Now, brainstorm three ways to improve it. Keep it simple! Maybe it’s increasing your social media engagement, improving your website’s bounce rate, or boosting your email open rates.

10. Take the leap

Brand awareness isn’t just a one-time thing—it’s a continuous effort. Keep experimenting, keep tweaking, and most importantly, keep being yourself. The brands that stand out are the ones that aren’t afraid to be different.

Ready to make your brand the one everyone’s talking about? Get in touch today to see how we can help you.


Q: What is the most effective way to increase brand awareness for a B2B company?

A: The most effective way to increase brand awareness for a B2B company is by focusing on storytelling, building a strong brand identity, and digital platforms like SEO and social media. It’s also crucial to create valuable content that addresses the specific needs of your target audience.

Q: What role does social media play in building brand awareness?

A: Social media is a powerful tool for building brand awareness. It allows you to connect with your audience, share your brand story, and engage with your community in real time. It’s also a great platform for showcasing your brand’s personality and creativity.

Q: Why is sustainability important for brand awareness?

A: Sustainability is important for brand awareness because it resonates with today’s consumers who are increasingly conscious of the environmental and social impact of their purchases. Brands that are committed to sustainability can differentiate themselves and build stronger, more loyal customer relationships.

Q: How do you measure the success of brand awareness efforts?

A: The success of brand awareness efforts can be measured through a variety of metrics, including website traffic, social media engagement, brand mentions and customer feedback. It’s important to look beyond the numbers and consider the overall perception and emotional impact of your brand.

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