October 2024

The impact of a rebrand on charities: how it can boost visibility and funding

8 minutes

For charities, standing out can be challenging. Whether it's engaging new supporters, attracting donations, or simply increasing awareness, many charities face the same struggles.
But, this is where rebranding comes in. A strategic rebrand can seriously help a charity refresh its image, connect with new audiences and ultimately boost visibility and funding - which is a win for everyone. But what does rebranding mean for a charity? And how can you ensure your rebrand has the desired impact? In this guide, we’ll explore why charities rebrand, the benefits it brings and the steps involved in making it a success.
So, why would a charity need to consider rebranding?

Rebranding isn’t just for for-profit companies. Charities often undergo rebranding for several reasons and the key to success is ensuring the changes align with their mission.

Adapting to changes

Charities don’t exist in a vacuum. They may face shifts in donor demographics, evolving missions, or advances in technology. A rebrand allows a charity to stay relevant, ensuring that its messaging and visual identity reflect these changes.

Reputation refresh

If a charity is dealing with outdated perceptions or has had a difficult history, rebranding can help rebuild trust and reputation. It’s a way to start fresh while retaining the core values that matter most to the organisation.

Connecting with a new audience

The scope of donors is changing, especially with younger generations who expect charities to have a modern, accessible and transparent brand. A rebrand can help charities appeal to a broader audience and engage younger supporters.

According to Nonprofit Hub, 50% of nonprofits say rebranding helped them better articulate their mission and attract new supporters.

The key benefits of a charity rebrand

Rebranding can be transformative for a charity, but let’s go into the specific ways it can create measurable benefits.

Increased visibility

Rebranding gives charities a fresh look and feel that can help them stand out from the crowd. Whether it’s through a new logo, updated messaging, or a website overhaul, rebranding makes it easier for charities to get noticed by the public, media and potential donors.

For example:

The WWF (World Wildlife Fund) rebranded with a modernised logo that stayed true to its core identity while appealing to a wider audience. This simple but effective update helped maintain their status as one of the most recognisable charity brands globally.

Improved connection with donors and supporters

A successful rebrand helps a charity tell its story in a way that resonates emotionally with potential supporters. When a charity’s message is clear and engaging, it’s easier for donors to understand the cause and feel motivated to contribute.

"A strong brand has the power to humanise your organisation, helping you form emotional connections with your supporters."Beth Kanter, nonprofit consultant.

Access to new funding opportunities

Rebranding can also help attract more funding. With a fresh, professional look and clearer messaging, charities can appeal to corporate partners and major donors who are more likely to invest in organisations with a strong brand presence.

Research from Blackbaud shows that charities that rebranded saw an average 28% increase in funding after their rebrand.

Building trust and credibility

A well-executed rebrand reinforces professionalism and transparency. In the charity sector, trust is one of the most valuable assets a nonprofit can have. A rebrand can show that the organisation is adapting, modernising and open to change - all while staying committed to its mission.

Steps to a successful rebrand for charities

Rebranding involves careful planning and execution. Here are the key steps:

Assess your current brand

Start by evaluating what’s working and what’s not.

Are there outdated elements in your messaging?

Does your logo no longer feel like you?

Conduct a brand audit by gathering feedback from donors, volunteers, staff and beneficiaries to get a well-rounded view of how your brand is perceived.

Here’s a challenge:

Create a quick brand audit checklist. Identify key areas where your branding feels outdated or out of sync with your current mission.

Define your mission and goals

Your rebrand needs to align with your charity’s long-term goals. Clearly define your mission and ensure your new brand reflects this. The goal isn’t to change who you are, but to present your values in a way that really speaks with today’s audience.

Tip: Use storytelling techniques to communicate your mission. People connect with stories, and your charity’s journey can help donors feel more engaged.

Develop a new visual identity

Design is a key part of your rebrand. A new logo, colour scheme and typography can breathe fresh life into your charity’s image. Ensure your new look is simple, memorable and accessible to all audiences, including those who may be unfamiliar with your charity.

Make sure your new branding looks great across all platforms—on your website, social media, brochures, and merchandise.

Update your messaging

Visual changes are important, but they need to be supported by updated messaging. What’s your charity’s tone of voice? Are your mission and values clearly communicated in your tagline, on your website and in your outreach materials?

Tip: Keep your messaging consistent across every channel. This includes your website, social media, email campaigns and events.

Plan your rebrand rollout

Decide how you want to introduce your new brand to the public. Will you do a big reveal or a gradual rollout?

Make sure you communicate clearly with your current supporters about why you’re rebranding and how it will enhance your mission.

Case study:

When Save the Children rebranded, they made sure to involve their current supporters by explaining the changes and emphasising the new brand’s alignment with their existing values. This transparency helped retain donor trust during the transition.Rebranding is a big undertaking for any charity, but when done thoughtfully, it can lead to increased visibility, stronger donor connections and more funding opportunities. By refreshing your charity’s identity and refining its message, you can connect with new supporters, re-engage existing ones, and position your organisation for long-term growth.

If your charity is thinking about rebranding, contact NU Creative to learn how we can help guide you through the process and ensure your rebrand delivers the impact you need.

FAQs: The impact of rebranding on charities
1. Why should a charity consider rebranding?

A charity may consider rebranding to stay relevant, appeal to new audiences, refresh its image, or better communicate its mission. Rebranding can also help address outdated perceptions and align the charity’s identity with its current values and goals.

2. How can rebranding help a charity increase visibility?

A rebrand can attract attention with a fresh logo, updated messaging, and a clearer mission. These elements can help a charity stand out in a crowded space, making it easier to engage with new audiences, gain media coverage and attract more attention online.

3. Does rebranding help with fundraising?

Yes, a rebrand can significantly impact fundraising by making a charity more appealing to donors, corporate sponsors and grant makers. Clear messaging, a professional look, and a modern identity can help build trust and make donors feel confident in their contributions.

4. How does a rebrand build trust with donors?

A well-executed rebrand can demonstrate that a charity is evolving and staying up-to-date. It shows professionalism, transparency, and accountability, which are key factors in gaining and maintaining donor trust.

5. What steps should a charity follow when rebranding?

The key steps in a charity rebrand include conducting a brand audit, redefining the charity’s mission and goals, developing a new visual identity (logo, colour palette, etc.), updating messaging, planning the rebrand rollout and measuring its success through key metrics like engagement and donations.

6. How long does a rebrand take for a charity?

The timeline for a rebrand varies depending on the scope of the changes. It can take anywhere from a few months to over a year to complete, especially when factoring in research, design, stakeholder involvement, and the rollout.

7. What common mistakes should charities avoid when rebranding?

Common mistakes include losing sight of the mission, ignoring audience feedback, inconsistent branding across platforms, and rushing the process. Charities should ensure the rebrand aligns with their values and engages their supporters at every stage.

8. How do you measure the success of a charity rebrand?

The success of a rebrand can be measured by tracking metrics such as increased website traffic, social media engagement, donor retention rates, and overall fundraising growth after the rebrand.

9. How can a charity ensure its supporters are on board with the rebrand?

To keep supporters engaged, charities should involve them in the process by explaining why the rebrand is necessary and how it will improve the organisation’s mission. Transparency and regular communication are key to ensuring that existing supporters embrace the new brand.

10. What’s the difference between a refresh and a complete rebrand for a charity?

A brand refresh typically involves updating visual elements like the logo and colour scheme, while a complete rebrand may involve changes to the charity’s mission, messaging, and overall identity. A refresh is a lighter approach, whereas a rebrand is a more extensive overhaul.

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