August 2024

Understanding the importance of digital presence in B2B

5 minutes

So firstly, what exactly is digital presence in B2B?
Your digital presence isn’t just about having a website; it encompasses all online interactions, from your social media profiles to digital marketing campaigns and even your online customer service. A strong digital presence builds vital trust by being consistent. In regulated sectors, where compliance and accuracy are non-negotiable, a trustworthy digital presence becomes even more essential.
Building a strong foundation

A professional website: Is your website making a strong first impression?

In B2B, your website is often the first interaction potential clients have with your business. It needs to be professional, user-friendly and mobile-responsive. For example, a financial services company can benefit from a clean, easy-to-navigate website that offers detailed insights into its services, ensuring clients find what they need quickly.

According to a study by Blue Corona, 48% of people cited a website’s design as the number one factor in deciding the credibility of a business【Blue Corona】.

SEO and content marketing: How do potential clients find you online?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) and high-quality content are critical. Tech companies can use targeted keywords and in-depth blogs to rank higher in search results and provide valuable information to their audience. A well-optimised blog not only attracts visitors but also establishes your company as a thought leader.

Research shows that B2B companies that blog receive 67% more leads than those that don’t【HubSpot】.

Social media for B2B

Choosing the right platforms: Are you on the right social media platforms?

Not all social media channels are created equal, especially for B2B. LinkedIn, for instance, is THE channel for B2B networking and content sharing.

In fact, according to LinkedIn, 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content, and 89% use it for lead generation【LinkedIn.

Engaging content strategy: What type of content are you sharing?

Your content should be tailored to a B2B audience, providing value and encouraging engagement. For example, healthcare providers might share patient success stories and cutting-edge research to engage and inform their audience.

Regularly posting thought leadership articles, case studies, and industry news helps build credibility and keeps your audience informed.

Building relationships: How are you using social media to build relationships?

It’s not just about broadcasting your message; it’s about engaging with your audience. For example, construction companies can use Twitter to engage with industry influencers and showcase their latest projects. Responding to comments, participating in discussions and sharing relevant content can help nurture these relationships.

Creative digital marketing strategies

Personalisation: How personalised is your marketing?

Personalising your digital interactions can significantly enhance client relationships. For instance, a legal firm could send personalised email updates to clients about changes in laws that affect their business.

And the stats back this up, research shows that personalised emails deliver six times higher transaction rates【Experian】.

Interactive content: Are you using interactive content to engage potential clients?

Interactive content such as webinars, virtual events, and online tools can significantly boost engagement. A tech company can host webinars on emerging technologies, offering interactive Q&A sessions to engage with potential clients. Interactive content not only keeps your audience engaged but also helps in capturing valuable leads.

Enhancing online customer experience

Live chat and chatbots: How quickly can your customers get help?

Live chat and chatbots can provide instant support, improving customer satisfaction. You can use live chat to quickly address tenant inquiries, improving satisfaction and retention.

79% of customers prefer live chats because they offer instant responses【Econsultancy】.

Customer feedback and reviews: Are you showcasing customer feedback?

Collecting and displaying customer reviews builds trust and credibility. According to BrightLocal, 91% of people read online reviews, and 84% trust them as much as a personal recommendation【BrightLocal】.

Measuring and optimising your digital efforts

Analytics tools: Are you using the right tools to track your performance?

Analytics tools are essential for tracking website traffic, social media engagement, and conversion rates. A construction company can use Google Analytics to understand which content drives the most traffic and adjust its strategy accordingly. By analysing this data, you can identify what’s working and what needs improvement.

Here’s your B2B digital presence checklist


  • Mobile responsiveness

  • User-friendly navigation

  • Fast load times

  • Clear calls to action

  • SEO optimisation

Content marketing

  • Regularly updated blog

  • High-quality & relevant content

  • Use of targeted keywords

  • Incorporation of multimedia (videos, infographics)

Social media

  • An active presence on relevant platforms

  • Engaging and varied content

  • Regular interaction with followers

  • Use of analytics to track performance

Digital marketing

  • Personalised email campaigns

  • Targeted advertising

  • Interactive content (webinars, virtual events)

Customer experience

  • Live chat or chatbot functionality

  • Easy-to-find contact information

  • Collection and display of customer reviews

  • Regular follow-up with clients

Analytics and optimisation

  • Use of analytics tools (Google Analytics, social media insights)

  • Regular performance reviews

  • Continuous improvement based on data insights

  • A/B testing for campaigns

So, are you ready to work on your digital presence? At NU Creative, we specialise in transforming brands through strategy and design. We challenge businesses to think beyond the day-to-day, using storytelling and differentiation to build brands that stand out, inspire and create positive change. Get in touch to find out more.

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